Front Porch Perspective
Russ Palmer started Front Porch Perspective out of the notion that we are a divided country- because it's a lie. People aren't as hostile towards new ideas and opinions as it might appear. In fact, we're mostly the same. Here, we're looking to recover the value and appreciation of the nuances, the 10%, of other people's perspectives.
So far, it's working...
Front Porch Perspective
Aaron Flint - Talking it Out
Aaron Flint is the host of “Montana Talks” Montana’s leading call-in talk show, broadcasting over more than 20 signals across the state.
Aaron has spent more than two decades working in Montana Politics. His work included a stint as State Director for then Congressman Ryan Zinke’s, and as communications director for now Governor Greg Gianforte.
He has been featured on Fox News, The Drudge Report, Huffington Post, Politico and several others.
Aaron has also served four tours of military service including; Iraq, Afghanistan, the Horn of Africa and the Arabian Peninsula.
In this conversation we will not talk much about his political leanings or opinions, but instead about his work and Military experience, and how both have shaped his life, his view of the world and the powerful lessons he has learned learned and applied.