Front Porch Perspective

Terrill Bracken - Comfort Zones are Overrated

April 29, 2021 Russell Jay Palmer Season 1 Episode 16

Terrill Bracken is a teacher…. His tools are pushing the hard things, extending growth through failure, overcoming… and never giving up.

His life is that of a student, a practitioner, a teacher of martial arts, and a keeper of peace. Terrill lives by the mantra “Comfort Zones are Overrated”

Today we are going to discuss his lessons and experiences of serving a native community as a law enforcement officer, his passion for growth and expansion through martial arts, his faith in God and journey of commitment.

I find Terrill's tenacity and obsessive ability to stare his shortcomings directly in the eye, inspiring.  He states in the interview "I've archived a level of success in spite of myself, because I just wont give up." This ability to try, reflect, correct and move on make this an interview worth listening to.

You can check out his MMA events at Fusion Fight League.  And stay tunes for his upcoming launch of Total Defense, a complete personal and home defense system brought about by his combined experience of martial arts and law enforcement.